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MARIMEKKO, the Finnish design house renowned for its “Art of Printmaking”, shares joy and happiness to everyday life through its bold prints and colors.  Their original prints are interpreted through a range of stylish Nordic-spirit home items as well as ready-to-wear for strong, empowered women of the modern world.




芬蘭設計品牌Marimekko 以其「圖案創作藝術」聞名於世,透過將奪目原創圖案及色彩配搭,呈現在洋溢北歐色彩的家品及賦予現代女性勇氣力量的衣飾之上,為人們日常生活帶來歡欣。





Fall/Winter 2022 ready-to-wear

For Fall/Winter 2022, Finnish design house Marimekko concludes its overarching theme of the year: New Folk with a dive into contemporary craft. Traditional tailoring traditions take a softer, more comfortable and feminine form, whereas decorative, almost ornamental patterns from the 60's, 7O's and 80's allow elevating the wardrobe up or down. Neutral base tones of canvas whites and soft grey beiges are complemented with a rich mix of butternut, chanterelle, amber and chestnut, blossoming on the bold prints the design house has become famous for. The season's captivating play of prints, silhouettes, proportions, layers, and jewelry-like details offer an intriguing dialogue between the past and presence and making something old feel entirely new.

2022秋冬,芬蘭設計師品牌Marimekko以全新作品系列深入探索與展現當代服裝藝術,為2022全年設計主題——New Folk (新民族風格)——綴上圓滿句點。傳統剪裁手法呈現更為柔和、舒適的廓形,突出女性風采;來自設計檔案庫中60、70乃至80年代的經典印花圖案則為您的衣着搭配裝點出迥然多姿的時尚風格。在帆布白與柔和米灰等中性基底色調的映襯下,色澤飽滿的亮黃色,金黃色、琥珀色以及栗棕色,熾烈地演繹着Marimekko久負盛名的經典印花圖案。在本季設計中,印花圖案、服裝廓形、剪裁比例、層疊設計以及珠寶般的配飾細節等設計元素交織呈現令人迷醉,猶如一場過去與未來的精彩對談,令經典元素煥發新生的活力。

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Materials & Sustainability 

The Fall/Winter 2022 collection introduces varied new sustainable alternatives in seasonal entities. Highlights include comfy knits made of responsibly sourced wool and a selection of both down- and padded jackets, that are made from 100% recycled polyester (padding included). Recycled polyester generates approximately fifteen percent less greenhouse emissions compared to conventional polyester. In addition, the collection introduces a new material EcoVero™, which is a more sustainable viscose made from wood and pulp from controlled and certified sources. Production of EcoVero™ generates approximately thirty percent less greenhouse gas emissions and significantly less water is consumed in the production process compared to conventional viscose. In addition, many sustainable entities introduced in past collections are also continued for this season, i.e. the Funny bags that are made utilizing leftover fabric.


2022秋冬系列在本季單品中應用了多種新型可持續環保材料,主打單品包括以責任羊毛製成的舒適針織衫,以及一系列以100%再生聚酯纖維和羽絨製成的保暖服飾。與傳統聚酯纖維相比,再生聚酯纖維在生產時可減少約15%的溫室氣體排放。2022秋冬系列還引入了全新EcoVeroTM材料,這是一種更為環保的粘膠材料,由獲得管理認證的木材和木漿原料製成。與生產傳統粘膠材料相比,生產EcoVeroTM材料可減少約30%的溫室氣體排放,並且顯著減少了對水資源的消耗。此外,之前已面市的多款可持續環保單品,諸如採用生產過程中的剩餘布料製成的Funny Bag,也將繼續在本季中出現。